Friends of Lake Moodemere Inc

Who are we?

Friends of Lake Moodemere (FOLM) is an incorporated community body and we’re working to protect this stunning natural habitat from irreversible damage. (Incorporated Association Number: A0125458B)

We are a group of concerned locals and farmers who know and love this area and want to protect it for the community and future generations.

Why do we need help?

The Planning Proposal for this 24-hour major service station is currently before VCAT. This means the Council will not decide the outcome, the VCAT Tribunal will. Friends of Lake Moodemere could not let this go to VCAT without representation from the community; and we need help to raise money for legal fees. We have opened a “Community Link” account with Hume Bank, especially for non-for-profit community organisations like us.

What are the details of the Planning Permit?

The Planning Permit (PP23-0184) is available to view at the Indigo Shire office in Rutherglen. Planning permission is sought for for the use and development of a highway service station, the display of signage, creation and alteration of access to a road in a transport Zone 2 and the removal of vegetation. The location of the site is the corner of the Murray Valley Highway and Federation Way. (2804 Federation Way, Rutherglen VIC 3685). The application is submitted by Outlook Property Services on Behalf of BE Judd P/L and TFB Wine Investment P/L.

When is the VCAT case?

The compulsory conference is on January 16th 2025 and the major hearing is March 17th-20th 2025.

What can I do?

As we are a volunteer group, we really need your help. You can donate directly to our bank account (preferred as there are no fees) or to our Go Fund Me page, write to the Indigo Shire Council and let them know you object, follow and share our Facebook page, and tell everyone you know about this poorly planned development.