Get Involved

Friends of Lake Moodemere have recently been notified that the developers are taking the application and the Indigo Shire Council to VCAT. This means that Council will no longer be the deciding vote on the permit – the VCAT tribunal will make the final call. Friends of Lake Moodemere have engaged a lawyer to represent us and for the community’s concerns to be heard. The community does NOT want this to go ahead.

Donate Money

All funds raised will help pay for our legal representation at VCAT.

Please donate directly to:

Friends of Lake Moodemere Inc
Hume Bank Community Link
BSB: 640 000
Account: 111 339 791

Visit our Go Fund Me page to make a quick and easy donation, and don't forget to share the fundraising link with your friends and community!"

Attend a Fundraising Event

Come along to one of our fundraising events and help protect the tranquillity of Lake Moodemere and Sunday Creek Conservation Reserve. Your support will directly fund efforts to oppose developments threatening these cherished natural spaces. Find out about our upcoming events here.

Lobby the Council

Email the Indigo Shire CEO and the Councilors to let them know you object to the development and that you want them to act in the best interests of the community. The council will be represented at the VCAT hearing, separate to Friends of Lake Moodemere.

Join the Facebook Group

Stay in the loop and share information with friends and family. We’ll keep you updated with progress.

Get in Touch